Ciao Dani
l'aggiornamento di Artlantis Studio 1.2.5 ha principalmente fissato una serie di piccoli bugs.
Su Macintosh non ha introdotto nessuna novità mentre su WIndows ha finalmente risolto i problemi con la serializzazione: la versione 1.2.5 non utilizza per la serializzazione la scheda di rete ma l'HD del computer.
Di seguito l'elenco dei bug fix.
Preview window:
- Under Windows a zoom into the Preview could lead to a crash.
- A drag&drop of an object could lead to a crash.
Timeline winodw:
- Under Windows, when the Timeline was delocked, it could get unnecessarily modify in its
Artlantis rendering:
- Under Windows the rendering window didn’t keep the current given position.
- Render later window: menu « Image Type » it became impossible to change the file formats
.mov ou .avi.
- A view having a space character at the beginning of the name generated a batch render error.
- Render later to choose a targa file kept the jpeg file format.
- Rendering in 320x240 pxl Artlantis quitted.
- Mac : Piranesi export the surface could be badly interpreted into Piranesi 4.0.2
- Under Windows : A fixed rendering in targa, jpeg, bmp could quit suddenly.
Animations Inspector:
- Advanced parameters: The camera could get a non desired rolling
Shaders Inspector:
- Texture Preview became invisible.
Heliodons Inspector:
- Right-click on the Heliodon’s name, the linked views were not listed.
Artlantis Batch application:
- The F1 key of access to the assistance became unvailable.
- When a calculate rendering was on, hitting the space bar stopped it.
- Delete an Heliodon; undo the delete command Artlantis quitted
- When calculation a rendering in animation sometimes Artlantis quitted.
- With a huge circular slab the rendering time became too high.
- The rendering bar didn’t represented the rendering real time
Artlantis KeyServer Application:
- In some circumstances it became impossible to validate the serial number
License validation:
- A deactivated license didn’t always free it.
- With some AMD64 processors the license wasn’t always activated correctly.
Under Mac : Shader "NeonGlassShader.xsh" didn’t get archived correctly.